First meeting of Armenian and Azerbaijani Border Commissions constructive – Mher Grigoryan

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Armenia's Vice-Premier, Chairman of the Armenian Commission on Delimitation and Security of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Border Mher Grigoryan described as "constructive" the first meeting of the Armenian and Azerbaijani    Border Commissions on May 24.  

"We held our first meeting on the border. We discussed only  organizational questions of our further joint work, and I consider  the meeting constructive. No agreements have yet been reached on the  date of the next meeting of the Border Commissions, but the intention  to hold the meeting in Moscow has been confirmed," TASS reports  quoting Mr Grigoryan as saying. 

He confirmed that the trilateral working group for unblocking of the  region's transport and economic links will hold a meeting in Moscow  co-chaired by the Armenian, Russian and Azerbaijani vice-premiers. 

"The specific date is being agreed on, and the agenda includes issues  of implementing the agreements enshrined in Point 9 of the trilateral  statement of November 9 (10), 2020 and in the statement of January  11, 2021. the agenda has nothing in common with border delimitation,"  Mr Grigoryan said.