Categories: 2022

Paris Mayor visits Tsitsernakaberd memorial and "Yerablur" military pantheon




YEREVAN, MAY 28 ARMENPRESS. The Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo paid tribute to the memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide and the 44th day war.

ARMENPRESS reports Anne Hidalgo accompanied by the First Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Levon Hovhannisyan, the leader of the "My Step" faction of the Yerevan Council of Elders Armen Galjyan, the leader of the "Prosperous Armenia" faction Michael Manrikyan and the leader of the "Luys" faction David Khazhakyan visited the Tsitsernakaberd monument, laid a wreath at the monument to the victims of the Medz Yeghern and put flowers at the eternal fire.

Afterwards, the mayor of Paris visited "Yerablur" military pantheon. Anne Hidalgo laid flowers at the graves of students of the French University in Armenia killed in the 44-day war and talked with their parents.

Garnik Zakarian: