Armenian authorities propose to unite 13 large communities into 5
Armenia – May 26 2022

The Armenian authorities propose to unite 13 large communities with 141 settlements into 5 communities. The corresponding bill was approved on May 26 at a meeting of the Government of Armenia.

In particular, it is proposed to include 34 settlements in Talin community of Aragatsotn province, 19 settlements in Chambarak of Gegharkunik province, 28 settlements in Alaverdi of Lori province, 24 settlements in Tashir of Lori province, 36 settlements in Sisian of Syunik province.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan explained that this is a return to district models, recalling that elections will be held in September.

Pashinyan said that since 2018, subventions in the amount of $350 million have been provided to communities, assuring that this figure will grow.