Categories: 2022

European Council President Meets Leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan

Georgia – May 25 2022
By Natalia Kochiashvili

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The President of the European Council Charles Michel hosted a trilateral meeting with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Fashinyan on May 22.

Summing up the results of the third discussion in this format Michel said that talks focused on the situation in the South Caucasus and the development of EU relations with both countries as well as the broader region.

According to him, the discussion was frank and productive and covered topics of humanitarian issues, including demining, and efforts to free detainees and address the fate of missing persons.

The sides reached an agreement on multiple issues. It was decided that the first joint meeting of the Border Commissions will take place on the inter-state border in the coming days. It will address all questions related to the delimitation of the border and how best to ensure a stable situation.

The leaders agreed on the need to proceed with unblocking the transport links. They agreed on the principles governing transit between western Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan, and between different parts of Armenia via Azerbaijan, as well as international transport through the communications infrastructure of both countries. Notably, they agreed on principles of border administration, security, land fees but also customs in the context of international transport. The Deputy PMs will take this work forward in the coming days.

The Presidents also agreed to advance discussions on the future peace treaty governing inter-state relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Teams led by the Foreign Ministers will take forward this process in the coming weeks. In addition to this track, I also stressed to both leaders that it was necessary that the rights and security of the ethnic Armenian population in Karabakh be addressed.

The EU will take forward with both parties the work of the Economic Advisory Group, which seeks to advance economic development for the benefit of both countries and their populations.

Michel, himself, stressed the importance of preparing the population for long-term sustainable peace. ‘The EU is ready to step up its support.’

The next meeting in this format will be scheduled for July/August.

Markos Nalchajian: