Categories: 2022

Mirzoyan: Ankara synchronizes Armenian-Turkish process with Armenian-Azerbaijani relations

Armenia – May 25 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Ankara synchronizes the Armenian-Turkish process with the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated this on May 25 from the rostrum of the parliament during the government hour.

Thus, in response to the MP's question about the role of meeting  places between the representatives of Armenia and Turkey, the  minister admitted that he does not attach importance to the place of  the meeting and did not rule out that in the future the above  meetings will be held both in Yerevan and Ankara.

"At the moment, I can only say that, unfortunately, no matter how  verbally it is asserted about the process without preconditions,  nevertheless, our Turkish partners, to a certain extent, synchronize  it with the relations developing between Armenia and Azerbaijan. They  do this as part of their narrative," Mirzoyan said.

According to him, this, of course, does not become a precondition,  but such an approach does not give constructiveness to the process  and the environment.

"Discussions are ongoing. But, unfortunately, there is no tangible  progress yet. Armenia's position remains the same. Armenia wants and  is ready to normalize relations and open borders. We would like to  see the same attitude from Turkey. I have already said about the  Azerbaijani narrative and various gestures of the head of the Turkish  Foreign Ministry," Mirzoyan summed up.

It should be noted that the third meeting of the Special  Representatives of Armenia and Turkey Vice Speaker of the National  Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Ruben Rubinyan and Ambassador  Serdar Kilic to normalize relations took place in Vienna on May 3.  The special representatives confirmed that the ultimate goal of the  talks is a full-fledged settlement between Armenia and Turkey, which  was agreed upon during their first meeting in Moscow on January 14.   The start of the normalization process was announced on December 13,  2021 by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. At the same time,  he stressed that Ankara will act in coordination with Azerbaijan  regarding steps to normalize relations with Armenia.

Mike Maghakian: