Unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict become stumbling block

Armenia – May 25 2022
Alina Hovhannisyan

ArmInfo.We have an unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, because of which we are in constant conflict with our neighboring country, Azerbaijan. President of  Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan stated this during his speech at the  Economic Forum in Davos within the panel discussions ."

He stressed that a year and a half ago, the 44-day war provoked by  Azerbaijan, which was stopped only after Russia's intervention,  caused great human and material losses.

In this regard, the President stressed that Armenia is still  constantly going through crisis situations, which it is trying to  overcome in various ways, and closed borders have a significant  impact on the quality of life of people.

"We are in a new crisis now, but we are able to overcome it thanks to  the accepted democratic principles.  The most important thing is the  relationship between the authorities and society: how much society  trusts the authorities, and on the other hand, how well the  authorities understand the problems of their society. If there is a  dialogue between them, then the issue of poverty is resolved and the  likelihood of a new crisis is reduced, and the country becomes more  stable and manageable>, he said.

Khachaturyan recalled that from 2000 to 2018, Armenia abandoned  democratic values, allowing corruption to reign, which led the  country to a critically bad situation. As a result of the Velvet  Revolution that took place in 2018, according to the President, a  young government came to power, giving a new breath to all areas,  giving freedom to business and people. "People got the opportunity to  freely engage in business, no one can interfere with them, demand  money, political forces got the opportunity to participate in  elections on equal terms.

The economy grew by 7.5% in the year immediately following the  revolution. Entrepreneurs are convinced that the state does not work  with them according to the rules of a temporary game, but according  to laws that imply conscientious payment of taxes and the fulfillment  of certain social obligations>, the head of state noted, stressing  that the eradication of corruption served as a big impetus for these  changes.