Categories: 2022

Updated: Protesters block presidential residence in Yerevan

UPDATED: Protesters block presidential residence in Yerevan



 10:05, 25 May 2022

YEREVAN, MAY 25, ARMENPRESS. The anti-government protesters have blocked the entrances to the Presidential residence.

Opposition lawmaker from the “I have an Honor” faction Hayk Mamijanyan told reporters that they are holding a peaceful disobedience campaign. “I have told our policemen that even if the door is open, we will not enter”, he said.

Vice Speaker of Parliament Ishkhan Saghatelyan from the opposition “Armenia” faction said that their purpose is to prevent any staffer from entering the presidential residence.


11:12: Protesters opened the entrances to the presidential residence and the building of the Security Council.

Vice Speaker of Parliament Ishkhan Saghatelyan said that the presidential staff, as well as the staffers of the Security Council were unable to enter the building as a result of their actions. He said that there is no need anymore to block the buildings as there are no people inside. Saghatelyan called on the protesters to stop blocking the buildings and continue their march.

Jhanna Virabian: