Catholicos Aram I Bestows ‘Knight of Cilicia’ Medal to Vahe Hovaguimian

Catholicos Aram I pins the "Knight of Cilicia" medal on Vahe Hovaguimian

His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia has bestowed the “Knight of Cilicia” medal upon Western Prelacy Executive Council chair Vahe Hovaguimian and his wife, Hasmig, for their decades of service to the Armenian Apostolic church.

Aram I pins the “Knight of Cilicia” medal on Hasmig Hovaguimian The Hovaguimians with Aram I and Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan

The medal was presented to the Vahe and Hasmig Hovaguimian following the ordination of three celibate priests in Antelias, Lebanon. Vahe Hovaguimian served as what is known as the godfather of the ordination.

Following the ceremony on May 22, Aram I presided over a luncheon honoring the newly-ordained at the Antelias Seminary, where the Hovaguimians were joined by clergy, seminary administration members, students and the parents of the newly-ordained priests. At the conclusion of the event, the Catholicos presented the medals.

Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan read the Aram I’s Encyclical, in which the Catholicos emphasized the Hovaguimians dedication and service to the Armenian Church.

“As a tangible _expression_ of your enthusiasm toward the Armenian Church, you have made and continue to make an important contribution to the activities of the Western Prelacy of the United States of America, both through the National Assembly and the Executive Council. Both you and your wife Hasmig have supported the endeavors of the Western Prelacy through various means,” the Encyclical said.

Prelate Donoyan was in Antelias to conduct the ordination of the three new celibate priests. After celebrating Divine Liturgy at the St. Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral that was presided over by Catholicos Aram I, the three graduates were ordained and elevated to the ranks of the celibate priesthood.

Bishop Donoyan officiates celibate priest ordination The ordained priests with the Hovagumians and Catholicos Aram I

The three deacons— Hrag Kalayjian, Shant Kadehjian and Nareg Filikian—then assumed their priesthood names and will be known as reverends Armen, Arakel and Azad respectively. As is tradition, the newly-ordained priests will spend the next 40 days in prayer, fasting and reflection at St. Mary’s Seminary in Bikfaya, to begin their sacred mission.

The Dean of the seminary, Very Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian assisted in the ordination ceremony as
the Sponsoring Priest.

Following the ceremony, Vahe Hovaguimian, who served as godfather, washed the foreheads and hands of the newly-ordained priests.

Later, Prelate Bishop Donoyan delivered his sermon and expressed his gratitude toward Catholicos Aram I for providing him the opportunity to celebrate this special occasion. He also congratulated the priests, their parents and the Hovaguimians.

At the conclusion of the sermon, Bishop Donoyan addressed Catholicos Aram I: “Your Holiness,
on behalf of the Religious and Executive Councils of the Western Prelacy of the United States of
America, and thousands of our faithful parishioners, we formally invite you to the Western Prelacy of the
United States of America, so that our faithful may experience comfort in your fatherly presence.”