Expert: Armenian-Azerbaijani problems are part of the Great Game

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.The current Armenian-Azerbaijani problems are not limited to Armenia, Azerbaijan or even the South Caucasus. They are a small element of the Big Game  component.  Hrachya Arzumanyan, an expert on national security and  defense issues, Doctor of Political Sciences, expressed a similar  opinion to ArmInfo.

"One can come to such a conclusion even with a superficial analysis.  And I absolutely do not understand for what reasons, based on what  realities, our negotiators consider themselves able to separate the  problem of Artsakh from the "Armenian issue." The latter, by the way,  has not gone away and continues remain part of the international  agenda. But in Yerevan, for some reason, they think that it can be  separated from the processes taking place in the Greater Middle  East," he stressed.

Meanwhile, according to Arzumanyan, geopolitical realities leave  absolutely no room for the realization of Armenian bureaucratic  dreams, namely, to achieve peace with excessively aggressive  neighbors in the conditions of the transformation of all surrounding  regions into a theater of military operations, albeit with varying  degrees of intensity.

The expert considers the latest murder of an Armenian soldier, as  well as Aliyev's threats, as a continuation of the logic of  Azerbaijan's military pressure policy on Armenia over the past two  decades. And the fact that Yerevan stubbornly tries not to understand  the essence of this policy, preferring to be in a state of hopes for  peace separated from the realities, in his opinion, is exclusively   Yerevan's problem.

Referring directly to the Artsakh case of the Armenian-Azerbaijani  conflicts, the expert noted that there is no lowering of the  international bar on the issue of the status of Artsakh, and there  has not been. Moreover, after the peculiar resolution of the Artsakh  problem by Russia and Turkey in the fall of 2020, it was the  geopolitical processes performed by other international players that  demonstrated completely different realities. The realities from  which, according to Arzumanyan, Putin and Erdogan were cut off in  their assessments of the situation. Realities within which it  suddenly became clear that neither the problem of Artsakh nor the  "Armenian issue" is closed, and Artsakh is still waiting for its  status.

"And it is precisely within the framework of these geopolitical  realities that Ankara, Moscow and, accordingly, Baku are forced to  act. Hence, Aliyev's next manifestations of the threat of the use of  force, and its use in the form of the murder of our serviceman. They  do so in order to persuade Yerevan to abandon the approaches that the  international community is already ready to form and accept, and  which have nothing in common with the approaches of Turkey and the  Russian Federation," the expert summed up.