Categories: 2022

Lack of ideology cause of dismantlement of the Third Republic – Hayk Demoyan

Armenia – June 1 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.It may sound strange, but the process of dismantlement of the Third Republic was perhaps launched when the Republic was actually in the making, Doctor of  History Hayk Demoyan said in an interview with ArmInfo.   

"It was Armenia's first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan who announced  that by stating that Armenia and the Armenian nation did not need a  national ideology. It would not have been so serious if the president  had offered an alternative based on an aim – independent statehood,  free of corruption and stable, with all the conditions for further  strengthening," Mr Demoyan said. 

It is the lack of this tradition that caused Armenian statehood to  follow various trajectories, which ruled out building up a powerful  state with a strong army as its basis. The result was a national  disaster in 2020. And the Armenian people has now reached a  stalemate, including due to misusing its own energy accumulated by  the spring of 2018. That enabled foreign forces to use this energy to  achieve goals far from Armenia's interests. 

According to Mr Demoyan, a group of people came to power in Armenia  in 2018 after a predesigned long- term programme was carried out in  the country, which was possible due to the previous years of  distortion of the historical potential of Armenia and of the Armenian  people by Armenia's political, economic and academic elite and – in a  broader sense – by the Armenian Diaspora.  

"And it was due to that distortion that the good intentions of our  intellectuals, the architects of the 1988 Movement aimed at building  up a powerful Armenian state, led to the formation of a cannibal  state over decades. Human rights protection gave way to capital  accumulation and a string of unsolved murders, which was the result  of transformation of some of the architects of the Third Republic,"  he said. 

From bad to worse, decisions in conflict with state interests were  accompanied by a decision on higher education and intellect not being  necessary as components of social development. As a result, the  decision- makers decided to turn the sensible people into insensible  masses by means of the major degeneration tool, the TV set.  

"And here is the main point. The people that considered the Armenian  Genocide, Tsisternakaberd [the Memorial to the Genocide victims],  Artsakh's independence and Armenia's sovereignty a redline and part  of the system of values only yesterday, are unwilling to discuss the  issues now for the simple reason that they had over three decades  been victims of moral terrorism by decision-makers in Armenia. And  the once impossible has not turned into the possible," Mr Devoyan  said. 

Parkev Tvankchian: