Nominations now open for 2023 Aurora Prize

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – June 1 2022

The Aurora Humanitarian Initiative has announced that the nominations are now open for the 2023 Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity, given on behalf of the survivors of the Armenian Genocide and in gratitude to their saviors. Anyone can put forward modern-day heroes who risk their own lives, health or freedom to save the lives, health or freedom of others suffering as a result of violent conflict, atrocity crimes or other major human rights violations.

“The Aurora Prize sheds light on some of the most crucial issues in the world, raise awareness on these particular dark corners where we need the voice of humanity and humanitarian engagement. For me, it is an honor and a privilege to have been named one of the Laureates and to get a chance to expand my work, providing medical care and rehabilitation to the victims of ISIS terror, as well as strengthening the sustainable peace and development in a region where the last Genocide had happened. There are still atrocities like that happening all over the world today, and we need to focus on the human values to survive this crisis. We need to get involved, we need to support the people who are fighting the injustice and the indifference,” said 2019 Aurora Prize Laureate Mirza Dinnayi, Co-Founder and Director of Luftbrücke Irak (Air Bridge Iraq).

The Aurora Prize Laureate is selected based on the candidate’s demonstration of courage, commitment, and impact, and receives a US $1,000,000 award to address on-the-ground humanitarian challenges around the world with the focus on helping the most destitute. Nominations for the 2023 Aurora Prize can be submitted until October 31, 2022.

To nominate a candidate, one needs to fill out an online form on the Aurora website. The nominations are then assessed according to the selection criteria by the Aurora Prize Secretariat and Expert Panel to narrow the overall list to 20 nominees. Members of the Aurora Prize Selection Committee later review this shortlist, drawing upon their own expertise, nomination forms, and additional information assembled by the Secretariat to determine the Aurora Humanitarians and eventually, the Aurora Prize Laureate. Since the launch of the Aurora Prize, the Secretariat has received more than 4,100 nominations from 144 countries and territories all over the world.

“Every year, we receive more and more testaments to the strength and resilience of the spirit of humanity that compels extraordinary people around the world to help others while facing unimaginable danger. Despite the risks and challenges, these humanitarians put the life and safety of others above all else. Their stories are a source of hope in our trying times, and members of the Selection Committee and I cannot wait to hear more of them,” noted Lord Ara Darzi, Chair of Aurora Prize Selection Committee and Co-Director of the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London.

On April 24, 2022, the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative announced the names of 2022 Aurora Humanitarians. The announcement was made in the Matenadaran, the national repository of ancient manuscripts located in Yerevan, Armenia. One of the Humanitarians will later be named the 2022 Aurora Prize Laureate.