Over 30 NGOs voice support for Armenian parliamentary opposition

Armenia – June 3 2022

A total of 36 NGOs have voiced support for the two opposition blocs represented in Armenia’s parliament, opposition leader and deputy parliament speaker Ishkhan Saghatelyan said on Facebook on Friday, sharing a joint statement of the organizations.

The opposition Hayastan and Pativ Unem factions drafted last week a resolution rejecting any peace deal that would make Artsakh a part of Azerbaijan, calling a special parliament session late on Friday afternoon to debate it. However, the ruling Civil Contract party has unveiled plans to boycott the session.

“As a result of the Armenian authorities' renunciation of Artsakh's right to self-determination, even the right to life of a group of people as well as the entire security system of Armenia is threatened,” the NGOs said.

“Given that various spheres of the public life as well as the protection of human rights have been on the agenda of civil society, the NGOs share the approaches outlined in the draft statement of the opposition factions on “Armenian-Azerbaijani and Armenian-Turkish relations” and express support for them,” the statement says.