Leaders of Resistance Movement held meeting with leadership of opposition political forces of Artsakh

Armenia – June 6 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The leaders of the Resistance Movement held a meeting with the leadership of the opposition political forces of Artsakh. This was announced by the  coordinator of the Movement, vice-speaker of the RA parliament from  the "Armenia" opposition faction, ARF member Ishkhan Saghatelyan.

"We discussed the challenges and threats facing Armenia and Artsakh.  We touched on the manifestations of the existing political crisis in  Armenia. We agreed to continue more organized meetings and  discussions on such a scale, as well as work in Artsakh, Armenia and  the Diaspora to expand the Movement," Saghatelyan said.

It should be noted that since May 1, the Resistance Movement has been  holding actions of disobedience throughout the republic demanding the  resignation of the current Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia  Nikol Pashinyan and his team. The Movement is convinced that the  current government in Armenia is pursuing a policy that is disastrous  for the Armenian state and Artsakh, and cannot represent the  interests of the country in the international arena.