Tumo Boxes opened in Askeran, Martuni

Armenia – June 6 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Tumo |Boxes have been opened in Martuni  and Askeran, Republic of Artsakh  (Nagoro-Karabakh). 

GOOD NEWS! Today we launched two new Tumocenter  Boxes in  Artsakh/NagornoKarabakh regions – Askeran & Martuni. Together with  Stepanakert center & Martakert box it is a strong network to be  expanded soon. Tech education is under our attention. Thanks to TUMO  team & donors!" Artsakh State Minister Artsak Beglaryan tweeted. 

About 1, 000 children can attend three Tumo Boxes in Martakert,  Martuni and Askeran. The Stepanakert Tumo Center will organize  practical training for 1,000 children in 14 fields. 

"With CEO Marie Lou Papazian have arranged to open another two Tumo  Boxes in large settlements," he wrote.  

Attending the opening ceremony of the Martuni and Askeran boxes were  Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan and Minister of Education Anahit  Hakobyan, President of the National Assembly Artur Tovmasyan,  regional governors, CEO Marie Lou Papazian, & head of development  Pegor Papazian.

In line with this mission, TUMO leadership and Artsakh officials  discussed plans to further expand the Artsakh educational network,  starting with a box in Karmir Shuka.

TUMO has established the foundation for its entire education network  in Artsakh. In addition to the Stepanakert center & the recently  opened Martakert box, the new TUMO boxes that launched today in  Martuni and Askeran will provide cutting-edge education to teens in  Artsakh.