Categories: 2022

Armenia moves against criminalizing “serious insults”

Armenia –

PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia has decided against criminalizing “serious insults” as suggested by a government-backed bill, Justice Minister Karen Andreasyan said Saturday, June 11.

Andreasyan said those who practice the "unacceptable behavior" will be fined in the amount of up to AMD 3 million (a little over $7000).

"Criminal liability for serious insult was intended to curb the disgraceful and unacceptable conduct of certain groups and individuals amid a deep polarization of the society," the Justice Minister said in a statement.

"After a number of professional discussions led by the Prime Minister, the government has decided that in our agenda of further democratization, even a legitimate restriction on freedom of speech should be implemented without the tools of criminal prosecution as much as possible."

Andreasyan said the government decided against establishing the law in the new Criminal Code which will be published on July 1.

Lilit Nahapetian: