Mirzoyan to CSTO FMs: Question of Azerbaijan incursion of Armenia sovereign territory remains open

Armenia –

Armenia has been and remains committed to active and proactive cooperation within the CSTO, aimed at strengthening cooperation between member states—including the coordination and intensification of foreign policy in the international arena. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated this following Friday’s meetings—in Yerevan—of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Mirzoyan said that during these meetings, the trends of development the situation in the world and the region, as well as security issues were discussed, and the improvement of the CSTO crisis response mechanisms—which is a priority of Armenia’s CSTO chairmanship—were reflected on.

"In January, the organization responded to the events in Kazakhstan in time. But the question in connection with the incursion of Azerbaijani troops into the sovereign territory of Armenia in May 2021 still remains open," the Armenian FM said.

According to him, they also considered the implementation of the agreements reached at the level of CSTO heads of state.

As a result of the aforementioned meetings, the statement of the Council of CSTO Foreign Ministers on international security issues, the plan of consultations, as well as the venue and date of the next meeting—which will take place also in Yerevan in the fourth quarter of the year—were approved.