67% of respondents in Armenia considered collapse of Soviet Union to be negative for country


Armenia – June 8 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.In Armenia, 67% of respondents considered the collapse of the Soviet Union to be negative for the country. This is evidenced by the results of a study  conducted and published by the Caucasus Research Resource Center  (CRRC).

At the same time, 22% of respondents consider the collapse of the  Union to be positive for Armenia, another 11% found it difficult to  answer.  At the same time, 56% of respondents noted that they began  to live worse after the collapse of the Union, 22% – better, 21% -  remained at the same level. 

To the request to note the positive aspects for Armenia of the  collapse of the USSR –  80% of respondents mentioned the declaration  of independence, 3% -opportunities for the development of Armenian  culture, 3% – ensuring rights. The following answers received 2%  each: involvement in trade relations, preservation of language,  opportunity to express an opinion or not to be persecuted. 5% found  it difficult to answer.

At the same time, 52% of respondents considered the deterioration of  the economic situation of people as a negative side of the collapse  of the Union, 16%- lack of jobs, 10% – Karabakh conflict, 5% -  widening gap between rich and poor, 12% gave other answers, another  5%-found it difficult to answer.

The study was conducted from December 18, 2021 to February 4, 2022.  The study involved 1648 respondents over 18 years of age. Citizens  were selected from the republican electoral lists of 2018.  Accuracy  +/- 2.4%. Conducted tete-a-tete polls.  31% of respondents are from  Yerevan, 32% – from other cities of the republic, another 37% – from  villages.  55% are women, 47% are men, of which 52% are unemployed  and 48% are employed. 35% of respondents had secondary education,  28%- secondary vocational education, 25% – higher education, 1%-  post-graduate scientific degree, 3% – incomplete higher education, 7%  – incomplete secondary education.