Categories: 2022

Armenia to host European Days of Archeology for the first time

Armenia – June 8 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.This year, for the first time, Armenia joined the European Days of Archeology event, which will be held on June 17-19 at all archaeological sites across  the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Education and  Science of the Republic of Armenia, the European Days of Archeology  have been held since 2010 and are coordinated by the French National  Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP, National  Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research).

During the three-day event, the public is given the opportunity to  learn all the intricacies of archeology:  visits will be organized to  excavation sites, archaeological research centers that are usually  closed to the public, meetings with archaeologists will present the  details of their profession, as well as a number of entertainment and  educational activities (excavations, organization of exhibitions,  courses, participation in the restoration of finds).

The event "European Days of Archeology", which will be held in  Armenia on June 17-19, was joined by:  Institute of Archeology and  Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of  Armenia, the Research Center for Historical and Cultural Heritage,  the Historical-Cultural Reserve-Museum, the Historical Environment  Protection Service SNCOs and the Erebuni Historical-Archaelogical  Museum- Reserve.  The event is intended for all age groups who are  interested in archeology.

Bedik Zaminian: