Categories: 2022

Baku responded to Lavrov on situation around Parukh

Armenia – June 9 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The activities of the delimitation commissions established by Azerbaijan and Armenia, as previously envisaged, are aimed specifically at delimiting the state  border of the two countries.

This was stated byhead of the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva, commenting on the words of the Minister  of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov that the  situation with the village of Parukh will be considered in the  context of the delimitation of the borders between Azerbaijan and  Armenia.

" This process does not envisage consideration of any issues beyond  the Azerbaijani – Armenian state border, including those related to  the territories, where Russian peacekeeping contingent is temporarily  deployed.," she said.  It should be noted that on June 9, at a press  conference in Yerevan, when asked by ArmInfo about what steps the  Russian side is taking to completely withdraw the Azerbaijani armed  forces from the territories around the village of Parukh of  Nagorno-Karabakh, Lavrov noted that the Russian military keep this  issue as one of their priorities, which the Armenian partners are  well aware of.

"There are already certain results in terms of de-escalation of the  situation on the ground. And we have an understanding that within the  framework of substantive work on delimitation that is already  beginning, these issues will be considered and will certainly be  resolved," the Russian minister said.  It should be noted that on  March the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, having violated the line of  contact, invaded the village of Parukh in the Askeran region of  Artsakh and tried to capture the strategic height of Karaglukh. These  territories are in the zone of responsibility of Russian  peacekeepers. The co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group  called on Azerbaijan to restore the contact line of March 23.  However, the Azerbaijani Armed Forces continue to be at the Karaglukh  height, as a result of which more than 400 people cannot return to  their homes. 

Vicken Chmshkian: