EU ambassador to Armenia calls for refraining from hate speech and provocations


Armenia – June 8 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The European Union strongly supports and highlights the reforms of the democratic system of governance, the establishment of the rule of law and the fight  against discrimination in Armenia, the EU Ambassador to Armenia  Andrea Wiktorin said at a joint Conference on "The Judiciary as  Guardian of the DemocracyЇ organized by the EU/COE PGG project  "Support to Judicial reforms implementationЇ and the Republic of  Armenia Constitutional Court on 08 June 2022.

"We have always supported the implementation of justice reforms, and  for this purpose we have provided long-term and short-term support.  We highly value the efforts Armenia has made in recent years in terms  of democratic processes. It's also very important that the political  leadership is committed to continue the constitutional reforms that  are envisaged by the 2019-2021 judicial reforms strategy", the EU  Ambassador said.

The Ambassador said independent judiciary in a democratic country is  the guarantor of human rights and freedoms, therefore, she said, the  Constitutional Court has an important role to play to strengthen the  public trust towards judiciary.

"Armenia is facing numerous challenges, and we are very impressed  that the authorities willingly continue moving on the path of  reforms. There is currently big tension in the country, and it's very  important that all sides work together to protect the constitutional  rights of the citizens of Armenia. We closely follow the domestic  political situation and the protests in the country. It's very  important for the people to be able to voice their opinion freely,  and the law enforcement agencies and police forces should refrain  from using brute force. Some incidents that have taken place should  be investigated, it already happens in some of the cases, the cases  reach to the court and a ruling is being made. That's how democracy  works", Andrea Wiktorin said.

The Ambassador said it's very important that all sides in Armenia  refrain from hate speech and provocations. Any violence must be  condemned, she added. "In such situation, I think, promoting trust  towards our Constitutional Court and the judiciary is more than  important", she said.