Categories: 2022

European Parliament urges Turkey to recognize Armenian Genocide in fresh report

Armenia – June 8 2022

In a report adopted on Tuesday by 448 votes in favor, 67 against and 107 abstentions, the European Parliament urged Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide and fully respect its obligations to protect Armenian and other cultural heritage.

In the fresh report, MEPs “commend” the recent rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia with regard to the decision to start bilateral contacts, the appointment of special envoys and the resumption of flights between the two countries, considering this attempt a “highly positive development which has a positive impact on prosperity and security in the region”.

The Parliament encourages both sides to pursue these efforts with a view to fully normalizing their relations and calls for the EU to actively support this process.

“The European Parliament encourages Turkey to pave the way for genuine reconciliation between the Turkish and Armenian peoples, including settling the dispute of the Armenian Genocide, and to fully respect its obligations to protect Armenian and other cultural heritage; expresses the hope that this may lead to a dynamic of normalisation of relations in the South Caucasus; further welcomes Turkey’s diplomatic efforts to normalise relations with various countries in the Middle East, especially Israel; encourages Turkey, once again, to recognise the Armenian Genocide,” the report says.

Arsine Chaltikian: