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Mirzoyan considers attempts of Turkish authorities to link normalization of relations with Armenia with Armenian-Azerbaijani process unconstructive

Armenia – June 9 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Yerevan is happy to hear statements from the Turkish leadership about the readiness to open the Armenian-Turkish border. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat  Mirzoyan stated this on June 9 in Yerevan at a press conference with  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov when asked to comment on the  process of normalizing Armenian-Turkish relations.

"As for the Armenia-Turkey dialogue, I have to say that we are glad  to hear statements from the top leadership of Turkey that they are  ready to normalize and establish diplomatic relations with the  Republic of Armenia and open the Armenian-Turkish border. We welcome  it," the RA MFA head said.

On the other hand, Mirzoyan continued, Yerevan sees differences in  positions due to the fact that despite Turkey's constant statement  that the normalization process should be without any preconditions,  nevertheless, attempts are periodically observed to find a connection  between the Armenian-Turkish and Armenian-Azerbaijani processes.  According to him, the Turkish authorities regularly try to find this  connection or publicly talk about it.

"We do not consider this constructive. There are certain differences  in terms of different approaches to the pace. Nevertheless, we are  glad to hear the statements of the Turkish leadership about their  readiness to open the Armenian-Turkish border," Mirzoyan summed up.

It should be noted that on May 3 the third meeting of the Special  Representatives of Armenia and Turkey, RA NA Vice Speaker Ruben  Rubinyan and Ambassador Serdar Kilic to normalize relations took  place in Vienna. The special representatives confirmed that the  ultimate goal of the talks is a full-fledged settlement between  Armenia and Turkey, which was agreed upon during their first meeting  in Moscow on January 14.  The start of the normalization process was  announced on December 13, 2021 by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut  Cavusoglu. At the same time, he stressed that Ankara will act in  coordination with Azerbaijan regarding steps to normalize relations  with Armenia.

Vanyan Gary: