Mirzoyan drew Lavrov`s attention to anti-Armenian and expansionist rhetoric of the top leadership of Azerbaijan

Armenia – June 9 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The Russian Federation played a key role in stopping the aggression unleashed against the people of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan stated this on June 9 in Yerevan at a joint press conference with  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, noting that, undoubtedly,  issues related to a possible document on the normalization of  relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan as well asthe process of  settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict the settlement process  were at the center of today's discussions. 

"The deployment of Russian peacekeeping forces in Nagorno-Karabakh as  a factor in preventing provocations and ensuring the security of the  people of Artsakh aims to create conditions for the restoration of  normal life, stability and security in our region. Armenia still  continues to believe that the Russian peacekeeping mission is capable  of restoring the status quo established by statement of November 9,  2020 and the situation of March 23, violated by the Azerbaijani armed  forces on March 24 by the invasion of the village of Parukh in  Nagorno-Karabakh.

"We appreciate the efforts of Russia aimed at the implementation of  the trilateral agreements of November 9, 2020, among which the issue  of the return of Armenian prisoners of war is extremely relevant.  Thanks to these efforts, it became possible to repatriate some of the  Armenian prisoners to their homeland. At the same time, almost a year  and a half after the end of hostilities, Azerbaijan, violating  international humanitarian law, disrupts the implementation of the  provisions of the Declaration and refuses to return the detained  Armenian prisoners of war and civilians," Mirzoyan stated, expressing  the hope that the Russian side would make more efforts in this  matter.

At the same time, the Armenian minister pointed out the relevance of  the issue of preserving the numerous cultural and religious monuments  of Artsakh, which have come under the control of the Azerbaijani  Armed Forces.

"I emphasized that against the backdrop of ongoing vandalism and  desecration by Azerbaijan, this issue requires immediate  international intervention.  "It is necessary to mention the  anti-Armenian expansionist rhetoric of the Azerbaijani leadership, as  well as the ongoing provocations and systematic violations of the  ceasefire," the Armenian Foreign Minister said.

At the same time, he confirmed the readiness of the Government of the  Republic of Armenia to make efforts to achieve stability and peace in  the region. "In this context, the key is the resolution of the  Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which will include the key points of  ensuring the security of the people of Artsakh, ensuring all rights  and a final decision on the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. The  principles for resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict were developed  by the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group. Let me remind you that in  their last joint statement, the leaders of our countries reaffirmed  the importance of using the potential and experience of the OSCE  Minsk Group Co-Chairs in accordance with its international mandate,"  Mirzoyan said.  At the same time, he noted that naturally, during  today's meeting, issues of unblocking regional communications,  delimitation and border security were discussed. According to the  Armenian minister, in the context of the issue of unblocking economic  and transport ties, it was emphasized that the opening of regional  communications may create new opportunities, including diversifying  the logistical connection between Armenia and Russia. "The tripartite  statement dated January 11, 2021 defines a clear framework for this  process, and we hope that the working group at the level of deputy  prime ministers, the last meeting of which took place the other day  in Moscow, will record its positive results. We also expressed  satisfaction with the first meeting of the Committee on the  delimitation and security of the borders between Armenia and  Azerbaijan and expressed hope for its effective work. It has already  been announced that the next meeting of the Committee will be held in  Moscow. We expect that the Russian side will provide consultative  support to this process in accordance with the Sochi agreements of  November 26, 2021," Mirzoyan summed up.