Mirzoyan: There is definitely no political crisis in Armenia

Armenia – June 9 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. There is definitely no political crisis in Armenia.  Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan announced this on November 9 in Yerevan at a press  conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, at a request  to comment on the protests in the country.

According to him, to confirm his words, he can cite two arguments -  the snap parliamentary elections held last summer in the summer,  which resolved the then political crisis, answered many questions and  was recognized by all international organizations as transparent and  democratic. "And secondly, we follow the actions, and the small  number of participants in the rallies does not speak of popular  support," he said. At the same time, Mirzoyan noted that in a  democratic country, which is Armenia, everyone has the right to  peaceful rallies. "If we move away from the issue of law and touch on  the logical side of this issue, then I can express my private  opinion. Here I see issues related to sanity," the Armenian Foreign  Minister said, emphasizing that the parliamentary opposition can  exercise its right to criticize authorities from the parliamentary  platform, which, unfortunately or fortunately, it does not do.

"The rally organizers say that the Republic of Armenia is pursuing  the wrong policy on the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, the normalization  of Armenian-Turkish relations and the agenda of the Azerbaijani-  Armenian negotiations," he said. Mirzoyan added that he could  understand the opposition if they talked about the need to cancel the  statement of November 9, 2020, withdrawing from the delimitation  process and unblock communications, or the statements of January 11  and November 26, 2021, the delimitation process. But since the  opposition does not do this, according to him, all this suggests that  the topics discussed by the opposition are just ugly speculations. 

It should be noted that since May 1, the Resistance Movement has been  holding actions of disobedience throughout the republic demanding the  resignation of current Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia  Nikol Pashinyan and his team. The Movement is convinced that the  current government in Armenia is pursuing a policy that is disastrous  for the Armenian state and Artsakh, and cannot represent the  interests of the country in the international arena.
