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Sergey Lavrov is convinced that there is no other way than complete normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Armenia – June 9 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov is convinced that there is no other way than the complete normalization of relations between Armenia and  Azerbaijan. He said this, on June 9 in Yerevan, at a press conference  with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan referring to the  prospects for signing a peace treaty between Yerevan and Baku.

In this regard, he noted that what is mentioned in the conventional  term "peace treaty" is based on the proposals that were presented at  one time by Azerbaijan. " Armenia submitted its vision in response,  and taking into account these two documents, a process is underway in  which we are ready to participate as a mediator, consultant, and, in  principle, a facilitator," the Russian minister said.

At the same time, Lavrov recalled that the leaders of Armenia,  Azerbaijan and Russia met three times to resolve practical issues  related to the end of the conflict, the normalization of relations  between the countries of the region, including, of course, relations  between Azerbaijan and Armenia.

"We have a common understanding that the process is moving forward,  we might like to see the pace faster, but nevertheless, the process  is ongoing and there are intermediate positive results. But, there is  no doubt that there will be final agreements. We are doing our best  to do this contribute," the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry  said.

"Of course, the parties have their own specific vision, which does  not always coincide, regarding how to work at the forthcoming stage.  But all our partners and we ourselves have the same understanding  that the three statements that were adopted at the highest level are  a very clear roadmap that we should all be guided by. And as the  process of delimitation, we are very happy about the founding meeting  of the commission. The next meeting, as you heard, is planned in  Moscow. We are ready to provide consultative assistance, including  the provision of cartographic materials, in accordance with the  agreements of the leaders of the three countries. This is very  important for this particular work," he added. 

At the same time, he stated that in parallel with this process, a  trilateral working group headed by the vice- premiers of Armenia,  Azerbaijan and Russia has moved forward to unblock transport and  economic ties.

"Today we discussed options for resolving existing issues. I am sure  that they will eventually be resolved," Lavrov summed up.

In turn, the Armenian Foreign Minister, referring to the process of  normalization of Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, agreed with his  Russian counterpart that the process is moving forward in several  directions at once.

"Of course, opinions differ on many issues, but this is what  negotiations are for, to try to find common approaches on those  points that do not coincide, through mutual concessions. We believe  in the peace process. We think that in the process of normalization  of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it is impossible to give  a political solution without referring to the Nagorno-Karabakh  conflict. And we believe that negotiations should take place within  the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group," Mirzoyan said, recalling that  this is the only internationally recognized format for the settlement  of the Karabakh conflict.

At the same time, Mirzoyan believes that at this stage it is a bit  exaggerated to call the ongoing processes on delimitation and border  security negotiations. However, according to him, the beginning of  this process has been laid.

He also added that Armenia sees some positive developments in the  issue of deblocking transport communications and economic ties. "It  would be wrong to say that there is a complete picture, but still,  there are positive developments. And here I must say that the  detention of Armenian prisoners of war by Baku, as well as  encroachments on Armenian cultural monuments, and in general, the  anti-Armenian rhetoric of Azerbaijan and provocations only interfere  these processes. I would like to take this opportunity to once again  draw the attention of our international partners and Baku to these  issues," Mirzoyan concluded.

It should be reminded that earlier Azerbaijan put forward 5 points on  the normalization of relations with Armenia. In particular: "Mutual  recognition by states of sovereignty, territorial integrity,  inviolability of state borders and political independence of each  other; mutual confirmation by states of the absence of territorial  claims against each other and their acceptance of a legal obligation  not to make such claims in the future; refrain from threatening each  other's security in international relations, the use of threats and  force against political independence and territorial integrity, as  well as other circumstances that do not comply with the purposes of  the UN Charter; delimitation and demarcation of the state border, the  establishment of diplomatic relations; the opening of transport links  and communications, the establishment of other relevant  communications and cooperation in other areas of mutual interest.  

Ophelia Vardapetian: