Media revealed some details of opening of Armenian-Azerbaijani roads
Armenia –

Five days after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's statement on the "simplified regime" of the road through the territory of Armenia, which should connect Azerbaijan with Nakhichevan, it is not officially specified what this means.

However, some details about the ongoing negotiations became known. reported.

"So, Azerbaijani cargoes and passengers entering the territory of Armenia will first be checked by the Russian border service and then by the Armenian customs service. Then the crossing will be accompanied by an Armenian patrol, which will include at least one Russian officer. Will the same conditions be applied in case of Armenian cargoes and passengers entering the territory of Azerbaijan? According to the same sources the negotiations are still going on. Journalist Tatul Hakobyan wrote about it the other day, according to whose information Baku demanded a Russian patrol.

Official Moscow and Yerevan published different information after the meeting of the three countries' vice-premiers in Moscow about ten days ago. According to the Russian government, the sides have brought their positions closer on border, customs and other controls. Meanwhile, according to the Armenian government, the sides clarified their approaches. The approaches have not been officially clarified yet," the media reported.