Pashinyan a ‘threat’ to national security, says opposition MP

Armenia –

Nikol Pashinyan poses a threat to national security and thus must be ousted, MP Aram Vardevanyan of the opposition Hayastan alliance said at a protest outside the building of Armenia’s National Security Service (NSS) late on Monday.

“Scores of dignified officers serve here. I strongly believe that those officers, seeing the anger of the people, will come to the conclusion that Pashinyan poses a national security threat and such people must not stay in power, they must be ousted,” the lawmaker said.

He blamed the incumbent authorities for the fatal shooting in the village of Nigavan on Sunday, which left two people dead and five others wounded. Also, he condemned the “absurd” instructions given to NSS officers.

“We have a clear-cut plan to lead this struggle to victory peacefully but with determination,” Vardevanyan said.

He urged officers of the law enforcement agency to respond to the deadly Nigavan incident.