Asbarez: Resistance Movement Representatives Visit Artsakh

Members of Armenia's Resistance movement visit Artsakh

A delegation from Armenia’s opposition Resistance Movement has been in Artsakh since Tuesday meeting with representatives of parliamentary political factions, government agencies, civic groups, as well as the country’s former presidents.

While in Artsakh, the delegation visited the Askeran, Martakert, and Martuni regions of Artsakh and met with local residents and local government leaders.

In addition, a meeting was held at Stepanakert Municipality with the administrative leadership, staff, as well as directors of educational and cultural institutions of the Artsakh capital.

During the meetings, Resistance Movement coordinator Ishkhan Saghatelyan—the National Assembly deputy speaker from the opposition “Armenia” Faction and a representative of the Supreme Body of the opposition Armenian Revolutionary Federation—presented the path, challenges, and upcoming activities of this movement.

It was emphasized that Artsakh plays a key role in the effort to make the Resistance Movement a more pan-Armenian and comprehensive effort.

Agreements were reached that despite the lack of reasonable and proper cooperation between Armenia’s authorities and Artsakh, joint programs and reciprocal visits should be implemented.

It was reaffirmed that the statement unanimously adopted by the Artsakh National Assembly on April 14—which sets out the key principles and red lines with respect to the future of Artsakh—remains a benchmark for the Artsakh authorities and people.