Ex-President Kocharyan refuses to join Hayastan All Armenian Fund Board of Trustees

Armenia –

A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund will be convened Saturday.

Yerevan.Today asked Bagrat Mikoyan, the coordinator of the office of second President Robert Kocharyan, whether the latter will attend this meeting, as he is a member of the aforesaid board.

Mikoyan responded: "President Kocharyan has refused to join the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund—in connection with the loss of financial transparency, reliability, and accountability by the Fund in recent times."

To note, during the 44-day Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) war in the fall of 2020, $107 million of the money donated to the Hayastan All Armenian Fund from a pan-Armenian fundraiser was transferred to the state budget of Armenia and, as PM Nikol Pashinyan said, it became an ordinary expense—salary, bonuses, etc. This decision was made without the participation of all members of the Board of Trustees of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund, including the former presidents of Armenia and Artsakh. Moreover, no invitation was sent to them.