Categories: 2022

250 foreigners applied for asylum in Armenia in 2022

Armenia – June 23 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - More than 250 foreigners, most of them from Ukraine, have applied for refugee status and asylum in Armenia since the beginning of the year, the country's Migration Service of reveals, according to Armenpress.

In January-March 2022, the Migration Service received applications from 13 countries of the world, including Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Cuba, Lebanon, Syria.

Over the past ten years, Armenia has provided a refugee status to more than 1500 asylum seekers. In the past five years, the Migration Service has been receiving an average of 220 applications for asylum per year.

During the 2020 war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), the Migration Service collected the data about displaced persons from Artsakh, which it processes and sends to other agencies if necessary. Nearly 91,000 persons, 88% of whom are women and children, have been registered in the electronic database.

Hovik Karapetian: