Categories: 2022

Chinese tourist: Policeman sexually assaulted me in Yerevan

Armenia –

Chinese Lei Manna, who came to Armenia as a tourist in early June, claims that she was recently sexually assaulted by a police officer in Yerevan.

"In Yerevan, the policeman touched my body, and I found myself in an awkward situation. The incident took place on 2 June, that day I applied to the police because the hotel did not return my money. When the police arrived, I was standing near the hotel. One of them touched my chest with his hand and squeezed it, then put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I will protect you, I will be with you." And when we were in the car, where there were two other policemen and an interpreter beside us, he hugged me and said, "You are beautiful." I think I was sexually assaulted. I felt very bad because that man touched me," the Chinese tourist told NEWS.am.

Lei Manna tried to report the incident to the police, but the police refused to accept the report, saying that there were no elements of a crime in the incident. The Chinese woman told us the name of the policeman, which we do not publish. "The police told me that it was nothing and they could not process my application, but for me, it is not. A police officer on duty in China has no right to touch a woman's body. They can hold hand or touch hair, but not the chest. The policeman would be held responsible for that in China. "

Greg Madatian: