USAID’s $120 million grant to support democratic development and economic strengthening of Armenia

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – June 23 2022

The government approved today the proposal to sign a grant agreement between the Republic of Armenia and the United States of America. The grant program aims to assist Armenia in the process of reforms targeted at strengthening democracy and economic stability.

The USAID investment to achieve the objectives totals $120,000,000, which will be disbursed in parts. USAID will provide $68,565,000 to promote democracy and $51,435,000 to improve economic security.

Taking into account the shocks caused by the COVID-19, the war unleashed against Artsakh in 2020, as well as the fair and transparent parliamentary elections of 2021, “with this document the US undertakes to support the Republic of Armenia in effective and accountable management, preservation of democratic achievements and overcoming the economic challenges.”