Armenia`s government preparing society for further concessions – opposition MP

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. In commenting on Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan's statements at an online news conference, Tigran Abrahamyan, a member of the opposition  parliamentary faction With Honor, said that Armenia's government is  preparing society for new concessions by blackmailing it with a  possible new war. However, a new war and new losses are not ruled out  at a certain stage, he added. 

"Nikol Pashinyan is saying that Azerbaijan is refusing to follow the  peace agenda and is paving the way for a new war against Armenia. I  would like to draw public attention to two questions: 

"First, Pashinyan is actually saying that his 'peace era' agenda has  failed. He cannot keep his fundamental promise to our citizens. 

"Secondly, Pashinyan is saying that we are going to see a new war if  we do not have the chief of the General Staff, a competent minister  of defense and responsible chief commander. 

"I am inclined to think that Armenia's government is preparing  society for new concessions by blackmailing it with a possible new  war. However, a new war and new losses are not ruled out at a certain  stage," he said. 

Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan stated yesterday that Azerbaijan  aggressively rejecting all of Armenia's peace initiatives. In this  context, he said that thee trilateral statement makes both the states  legally responsible for unblocking the transport links. Mr Pashinyan   accused Azerbaijan of being unwilling to unblock the transport links. 

Armenia's premier referred to two preliminary agreements on meetings  of border commissions. In both cases refused or demanded postponement  of meetings. The same can bee said of transport links. 

"Azerbaijan is showing Armenia allegedly opposing unblocking of  transport links thus violating the trilateral agreement," he said. 

Azerbaijan is trying to show Armenia unwilling to honor its  commitments thereby legalizing a new war against Armenia and  Nagorno-Karabakh, the premier added.