Opposition MP: Armenian authorities preparing people for ‘new big concessions’

Armenia –

Tigran Abrahamyan, a lawmaker from the opposition Pativ Unem (With Honor) faction, on Tuesday reacted to Nikol Pashinyan’s latest statements on the risk of renewed war.

At an online news conference on Monday, the Armenian premier accused Azerbaijan of hampering peace efforts in an attempt to legitimize a new war against Armenia.

“First, Pashinyan is actually saying that the peace agenda promoted by him has failed; he cannot fulfill the key promise made to the people,” the MP wrote on Facebook.

“Second, Pashinyan says that in the absence of a chief of the General Staff, with an incompetent defense minister and an irresponsible commander-in-chief we will face a new war.

“Of course, I'm inclined to think that the authorities are preparing the people for new big concessions by intimidating them with [warnings about] a new war, but I do not rule out that at some point Armenia will get both losses and a new war,” Abrahamyan said.