Turkey and Azerbaijan don`t leave attempts to get a corridor through Syunik

Armenia –
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Turkey supports the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia. This was stated by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu at a press  conference after the first trilateral meeting of the ministers of  foreign affairs and transport of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan.   At the same time, he added that they expect the opening of the  "Zangezur corridor" (through the Syunik region of the Republic of  Armenia, ed. note), which will provide communication with the western  regions of Azerbaijan, in the shortest possible time.

According to him, the opening of communication through the Syunik  region is very important from the point of view of the development of  the countries of the region. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun  Bayramov also stated this.

It should be noted that within the framework of the first trilateral  meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and transport of  Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan in Baku, the Baku Declaration was  signed.

According to the Baku Declaration, the ministers stressed the need  for the full operation of the proposed new corridors. "Ministers  expressed the need for the full exploitation of the newly proposed  corridors, which will strengthen ties in the region, including the  establishment of rail and road corridors, stated in the tripartite  statements of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia dated November 9/10,  2020 and January 11, 2021. Ministers stated the importance of  development corridor linking Eastern Zangezur and the Nakhichevan  Autonomous Republic as a promising part of the Middle Corridor," the  document cited by the Azerbaijani media says.

It should be noted that on January 11, talks between the leaders of  Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia Vladimir Putin, Ilham Aliyev and Nikol  Pashinyan were held in Moscow. After the talks, the Russian leader  announced the establishment of a working group, which will be headed  by the vice-premiers of the three countries. The group deals with  issues of unblocking economic, trade and transport links in the  region, opening borders. On June 3, the 10th meeting of the  trilateral working group under the joint chairmanship of the Deputy  Prime Ministers of Armenia – Mher Grigoryan, Russia – Alexei Overchuk  and Azerbaijan – Shahin Mustafayev was held. "Armenia, Russia and  Azerbaijan have brought their positions closer on border and other  types of control, as well as on the safe passage of citizens,  vehicles and goods on roads and railways through the territories of  Armenia and Azerbaijan. The vice-premiers discussed possible routes  for the passage of the highway, which provides transport links  between the western regions of Azerbaijan and Nakhichevan through the  territory of Armenia. The parties will continue to work on the  implementation of the agreements between the leaders of Russia,  Armenia and Azerbaijan regarding the unblocking of transport links in  the region."

It is noteworthy that Turkey and Azerbaijan are trying to get a  corridor road through the territory of Armenia. Meanwhile, official  Yerevan has repeatedly stated that there can be no talk of a road  "with corridor logic", this position was supported by Russia, which  noted that the communication would function under Armenian  sovereignty.