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Sides could have approved project under which three Armenian settlements would be within Lachin corridor – opposition MP

Armenia – July 1 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.Those claiming that the surrender of the Armenian settlements of Berdzor, Aghavno and Sus is stipulated by the trilateral agreement of November 9, 2020, must show the relevant points, Tigran Abrahamyan, a member of the opposition  parliamentary faction With Honor. 

According to him, a number of provisions in the November 9, 2020,  statement allow the Armenian side to defend at least some of its  interests. 

In this context, Mr Abrahamyan recalled the statement on the  alternative highway. 

"During the next three years the sides shall agree on a construction  plan for a route along the Lachin corridor that would connect  Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia, with further redeployment of the  Russian peacekeeping contingent to protect the route," he said. 

"Those claiming that the exodus of the Armenian population from the  Armenian settlements of Berdzor, Aghavno and Sus and their surrender  is stipulated by the trilateral agreement of November 9, 2020, must  show the relevant points," he said. 

Following this logic, the sides could have approved a project under  which the three Armenian settlements would be within the boundaries  of the Lachin corridor instead of being surrendered to Azerbaijan, Mr  Abrahamyan. 

Mr Abrahamyan believes that after the 44-day war the provision is  being implemented in line with Azerbaijan's ambitions. 

"This is a rather complicated situation without simple or standard  solutions. Any settlement must be thoroughly thought out. Otherwise,  new losses are inevitable. Negotiations over various issues with  Azerbaijan are a complicated process which does not allow us to find  a solutions in our favor as long as thee incumbent authorities are in  power in Armenia," the MP said. 

At a recent online conference, Armenia's Premier Nikol Pashinyan  stated that new road that would be an alternative to the Lachin  corridor is under construction. Under the trilateral agreement of  November 9, 2020, during three years, with the parties consent, the  corridor  route is to be changed. As a result, the territories beyond  the boundaries of the former Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region will  become part of Azerbaijan. The route will be changed to ensure more  reliable highway service between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. 

"We are solving the Berdzor residents' problems by means of  government decisions. Of course, the population must be provided with  housing. As regards Ahavno, the Artsakh government can resolve the  villagers' problems," the premier said. The route will be changed  after Russian troops establish control over the new route. The  corridor must be under Russian peacekeepers' full control, Mr   Pashinyan said.   

Bedik Zaminian: