Categories: 2022

U.S. committed to supporting Armenia`s democratic development – Lynne Tracy

Armenia – July 1 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Embassy celebrated the 246th anniversary of the independence of the United States of America with an evening music, American food,  and fireworks.  At the event, U.S. Ambassador Lynne Tracy reaffirmed  U.S. support for democratic development in Armenia.

"The stories of our partnership encompass support for democratic  institutions, civil society, free and fair journalism, economic  growth, energy diversification, inclusive education, improved  healthcare, access to water, security cooperation, preservation of  cultural heritage, exchange programs, and humanitarian needs,"  Ambassador Tracy said in her remarks.   

"We have partnered with Armenians in and out of government,  like-minded diplomats and international organizations, and American  citizens, including proud Armenian-Americans.  The tie that has  animated this cooperation has been a shared sense of values.  And, it  is the power of these partnerships that has helped drive the  significant progress we have seen in Armenia over the past thirty  years," she added.

On behalf of Armenia's Government, Armenian Vice-Premier Hambardzum  Matevosyan congratulated Ambassador Tracy. 

The U.S Government has been supporting Armenia since it gained  independence, being committed to the Armenia people's desire to live  in a free, democratic country with rule of law and no corruption, he  said. 

The Armenia-U.S. relations reached a new level after the velvet  revolution, with the bilateral intergovernmental economic  consultations evolving into a strategic dialogue, Mr Matevosyan said. 

He pointed out numerous fields of bilateral cooperation – from legal  reforms to corruption control, energy and IT sectors. The  Armenia-U.S. strategic dialogue resumed its annual sessions this  spring. 

One of the achievements of the strategic dialogue is the Memorandum  of Understanding Concerning Strategic Civil Nuclear Cooperation  (NCMOU). Development of cooperation in this field will open up new  opportunities for Armenia. 

Armenia highly appreciates the U.S. efforts at a peaceful settlement  of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the OSCE Minsk Group, Mr  Matevosyan said. He voiced hop that the efforts will be consistent  and peace will be established in the region, with the Artsakh  Armenians' rights respected.  

Mr Matevosyan stated Armenia appreciates the recognition of the  Armenian Genocide by the Joe Biden administration. That was a great  step toward the Armenians' just struggle throughout the world and a  harsh response to the Genocide deniers. This confirms the U.S.  remains committed to the supremacy of human rights and panhuman  values. 

Independence Day, which Americans celebrate as the birthday of the  United States of America, takes place on July 4 each year, in honor  of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.

Five members of the renowned Hover State Chamber Choir performed the  Armenian and U.S. National Anthems in honor of the occasion.  The  theme of the event is the 30th anniversary of the U.S. – Armenia  relationship.  

Greg Madatian: