Categories: 2022

Armenia`s premier, Azerbaijani president may have reached agreements on Artsakh`s status – Arman Melikyan

Armenia – June 30 2022
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo.It is common knowledge that the situation in the wake of the 44-war has caused the Armenian leadership to prefer mentioning Artsakh's status as less as possible,  Ambassador Arman Melikyan said in an interview with ArmInfo. 

"In this context, I do not at all rule out verbal agreements between  Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliyev, under which Yerevan promised not to  raise the issue of Artsakh's status. And Aliyev actually confirmed  that the other day. Moreover, the agreement must have been reached  under pressure," Mr Melikyan said. 

In any case, it would be right if the Artsakh authorities, not  Armenia's, stated their position on Artsakh's future status, which  would provide Yerevan with more room for diplomatic maneuver, he  added. 

As to the Lachin humanitarian corridor and the rumors about  forthcoming surrender of Berdzor and Aghavno to Azerbaijan following  the Armenian premier's last news conference, Mr Melikyan said that  Yerevan and Stepanakert lost control of the territories in question  more than a year and a half ago. Russian peacekeepers are in control  of the corridor, which is open for Azerbaijani military vehicles as  well. 

"In this context, neither Yerevan nor Baku can prevent any agreements  on the corridor between Moscow and Baku until it is granted an  exceptional international status. So the Azerbaijani and Russian  foreign ministers may have agreed on anything at their recent meeting  in Baku," Mr Melikyan said. 

Ani Basmajian: