Yerevan, Baku have brought positions closer on some issues of unblocking of regional communications – Armenian Deputy PM

Public Radio of Armenia
June 29 2022

The working group of the Deputy Prime Ministers of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia on unblocking regional communications was able to bring the positions of Yerevan and Baku closer on many issues, in particular, border and customs control. Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan told TASS

He assessed the work of the trilateral commission on unblocking the transport links in the South Caucasus as “constructive.”

“This is certainly difficult work, but I must note that the parties manage to bring their positions closer on some issues of border and customs control, as well as the safe passage of citizens, vehicles and goods along roads and railways through the territories of Armenia and Azerbaijan,” he said.

According to the Deputy Prime Minister “at the moment, expert subgroups continue to work out issues related to the restoration and further use of road and railway infrastructures.”

An agreement to unblock regional communications was reached on January 11, 2021 at a meeting in Moscow of the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. It was decided to create a working group at the level of vice-premiers of the three countries, which will concentrate on establishing transport and economic ties in the region.