Categories: 2022

First Convention of The Future Armenian set for November

Armenia – July 8 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - The first Convention of The Future Armenian will be held in Yerevan based on the “citizens’ assembly” model of participatory democracy on November 11-13, the initiative reveals.

The participants of the Convention from Armenia, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) and Diaspora will discuss existing issues and challenges and will adopt package of proposals to overcome those challenges. The convention will be preceded by meeting of expert groups, which will be open for all professionals.

The first convention will focus on the three of the 15 goals set by The FUTURE ARMENIAN Initiative: the Armenia – Diaspora Unity, Historic Responsibility, and Growing Population.

On July 7, the Matenadaran Institute of Ancient Manuscripts hosted the launch event of the Convention of The Future Armenian. The ceremony signaled the start of submission of applications for participation, as well as the beginning of the process of forming expert groups.

The goals of the Convention and the specifics and the of its format – the citizens assembly model, the application procedure was presented during the event. A special reference was made on the outcomes of the Artsakh Forum held in Stepanakert in May 2022․

Bedik Zaminian: