Freedom House welcomes Armenia’s decriminalization of "grave insults"

Armenia – July 8 2022

PanARMENIAN.Net - Freedom House has welcomed the decriminalization of "grave insults" in Armenia and the government’s commitment to broad consultation on media legislation reflected in a Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Armenian Government and CSOs.

However, the organization urged the country's Prime Minister to take the concerns of the media seriously and leverage direct communication channels including through open and transparent press-conferences to ensure a healthy functioning democracy.

"The Armenian authorities should support the independent media and civil society by maintaining an active dialogue with them and the people to counteract disinformation that poses threat to Armenian democracy around crucial topics for the country," Freedom House said Thursday, July 8.

Justice Minister Karen Andreasyan said on June 11 Armenia had decided against criminalizing “serious insults” as suggested by a government-backed bill. Andreasyan said those who practice the "unacceptable behavior" will be fined in the amount of up to AMD 3 million (a little over $7000) instead.