Categories: 2022

French Embassy launches project to preserve and enhance cultural heritage of Armenia

Armenia – July 8 2022
Alexandr Avanesov

ArmInfo. The Embassy of France in Armenia and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia launch the "Armenia. Exploring, preserving  and enhancing heritage" project , which is funded by the Solidarity  Fund for Innovative Projects (FSPI) of the French Ministry for Europe  and Foreign Affairs. The program notes France's commitment to  supporting the preservation, restoration and appreciation of  Armenia's cultural heritage, the French Embassy in Armenia said in a  statement.

The project, worth 600,000 euros, is planned to be implemented in  2022. Within the framework of the program, it is planned to carry out  activities aimed at supporting the preservation of the cultural  heritage of Armenia, developing the potential of specialists in this  field, as well as implementing and developing museum policy.

The project was developed and implemented in cooperation with the  Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of  Armenia, the National Heritage Institute of France, the Louvre  Museum, the Scientific Research Centre for Historical and Cultural  Heritage and the Erebuni Museum. The three-pronged project covers  various areas of cultural heritage and draws on the skills and best  practices of the French and Armenian partners. As part of the first  component, it is planned to strengthen and develop the skills of  specialists in the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage  through continuing education courses. It is implemented by the  National Heritage Institute in cooperation with the Scientific  Research Centre for Historical and Cultural Heritage.

The second component relates to the restoration of the Tatev  monastery complex. At the first stage of the project, it is planned  to conduct a historical and architectural study of the monument, and  also, before the actual restoration of the building, organize the  first volunteer labor camp together with "Rempart" and the "Terre et  Culture" association (<Land and Culture>). It is also implemented by  the National Heritage Institute in cooperation with the Scientific  Research Centre for Historical and Cultural Heritage. The third  component is dedicated to the reorganization and modernization of the  permanent exhibition of the Erebuni Museum and is aimed at assessing  the collections. It will be implemented jointly with the Louvre.

Vicken Chmshkian: