Categories: 2022


July 9 2022

STEPANAKERT: The Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre in Artsakh hosted members from the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU) during their visit to Stepanakert.

The rehabilitation centre, founded by former Deputy Speaker of the United Kingdom House of Lords, Baroness Caroline Cox, seeks to provide care and life fulfilment opportunities to citizens of the Republic of Artsakh who are living with a disability.

The centre has undergone extensive renovations throughout the years, and currently includes a hydrotherapy pool, arts areas, autism rehabilitation rooms, a childcare centre, and provides services such as speech therapy and psychology services.

The centre is an essential service which has broken down the stigma surrounding disability in the region and currently employs over 75 people.

ANC-AU Executive Director, Michael Kolokossian and ANC-AU National Board Member, Garineh Torossian were joined by representatives of the Armenian Youth Federation of Australia (AYF-AU) who toured the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre.

Principal Mr Vardan Tadevosyan guided the ANC-AU representatives through the centre and provided an extensive breakdown of the services provided by his team.

The ANC-AU last visited the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre in Artsakh in 2019, as part of the first Federal-led delegation to the Republic of Artsakh, which included the first Federal Australian parliamentarian, John Alexander (then MP for Bennelong) and Hugh McDermott, State Member for Prospect.

“It was extremely moving to witness the amazing work being done by Mr Tadevosyan and his team, particularly the number of Armenian military personnel they have assisted following Azerbaijan’s attacks on the Republic of Artsakh in 2020,” said Kolokossian.

“We look forward to working with the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre and seek to provide additional assistance from Australia to further expand the reach and services the centre provides.”

The visit, which took place on Saturday 2nd July 2022, was coordinated by the Permanent Representative to the Republic of Artsakh in Australia, Mr Kaylar Michaelian.

Bedik Zaminian: