Categories: 2022

Azerbaijani forces open fire at Armenian positions, village road

Armenia – July 5 2022

The Azerbaijani military opened fire at Armenian positions in the western section of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border near the village of Khachik in Vayots Dzor Province late on Monday, the Armenian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

Shots were also fired at the road leading to the village, damaging the car of the village mayor, Hovik Smbatyan.

The Azerbaijani troops also used large-caliber firearms, the ministry said.

“The Azerbaijani fire was suppressed after Armenia’s retaliatory measures. There are no casualties on the Armenian side,” the statement said.

Earlier, the village head turned down a request from Panorama.am to comment on the shooting reports, urging it to contact the Defense Ministry.

Hovik Karapetian: