Newspaper: Authorities attempting to use currency situation in Armenia for another bluff
Armenia – July 9 2022

YEREVAN. – Past daily of Armenia writes: For a long time, the situation in the Armenian financial market has been quite volatile; day by day we witness the devaluation of the [US] dollar and the euro.

Among specialists, there is an opinion that some circles of the authorities are quite skillfully "warming [their] hands" in this market. Such opinions among the public have started to worry the authorities, and, as it seems, no matter how strange it sounds, they are attempting to use this currency situation for another bluff.

According to Past newspaper’s information, in recent weeks the authorities are assigning special "emissaries" to spread information among the population in the provinces that the devaluation of the dollar and the stabilization of the [Armenian currency] dram, against its background, will lead to a decrease in the prices of [natural] gas and electricity.

Moreover, we also have information that during the past one month, some satellites serving the authorities are spreading and circulating this topic on virtually all possible internet platforms. Our source conveys that the said "emissaries" are also attempting to convince the population that the authorities are already taking concrete steps in this direction, as if even a delegation went to Moscow to negotiate in connection with the topic.

However, a number of specialists in this domain emphasize that this is another bluff, as in this matter, an important circumstance is how long the strengthening of the dram will continue; after all, in the short term, that effect cannot be large, which can have no effect whatsoever on the price of [natural] gas, in particular.