Newspaper: Which roads will link Turkey to Azerbaijan via Armenia territory?
Armenia – July 5 2022

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of the Republic of Armenia (RA) writes: As it is known, the unblocking of all economic and transport links in the region is planned according to point 9 of the trilateral statement of November 9, 2020. (…).

Although the RA authorities are not in a hurry to inform about where the unblocked roads will pass from—that is, by which roads will be connected from Azerbaijan to Turkey and vice versa—, they say in Syunik [Province of Armenia] that 4-5 road options are being discussed whereby they will allow Azerbaijanis to move freely through the territory of Armenia. (…).

One [option] is the Kubatlu-Orotan-Khot road; the other—the Bichenek/Nakhchivan/Karvachar direction.

Third, from the intersection of Noravan village in Sisian, the interstate motorway is connected with Nakhchivan and Karvachar.

The fourth—from Kubatlu to Berdzor region [to] Lachin, which passes near Khndzoresk village.

There is talk also about the construction of a road stretching from Berdzor region to Karvachar, as well as the section stretching toward Karvachar from above Jermuk.