Categories: 2022

Resistance Movement holding protest in front of EU Delegation to Armenia

Armenia – July 1 2022
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo.The Resistance Movement held a protest in front of the EU Delegation to Armenia, in Yerevan. 

The protesters were holding a big poster with the pictures of Head of  the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Andrea Wiktorin and the  former head of the Judicial Council of Armenia Gagik Jhangiryan.  The  protesters were also holding the photos of the Armenian servicemen  who are in captivity in Azerbaijan now. They were chanting "Armenia  without Nikol!"

One of the Resistance Movement leaders Aram Vardevanyan stated that  the poster is not a mere coincident:  it was Gagik Jhangiryan who was  behind the judicial reforms and arbitrary actions in the judicial  system, with Ms Wiktorin's tacit consent. In particular, she has no  so far voiced her opinion on the scandalous audio record of Mr  Jhangiryan's talk with the dismissed head of the Supreme Judicial  Council Ruben Vardazaryan. 

The opposition MP is indignant at the fact the EU Delegation is not  responding to the lawlessness inside Armenia and disregarding the  processes along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. 

"Over a year and a half our nationals in captivity in Azerbaijan have  been tortured in Baku prisons. Does not Europe have anything to say?  Are these the values you are advocating? And what about human rights  and freedoms?" Mr Vardevanyan said. 

The opposition MP Gegham Manukyan drew the participants' attention to  the fact that the EU ambassador is silently witnessing human rights  violations in Armenia – political persecutions, "violence against  courts." 

Ani Basmajian: