Categories: 2022

Russian analyst: 3+3 is "our answer to the West"

Armenia –
David Stepanyan

ArmInfo. Against the background of geopolitical upheavals, which continue to shake international relations, the post-Soviet area and the whole world naturally  gradually go on the path of geopolitical transformations towards the  establishment of a completely new world order. Alexey Malashenko,  Chief Researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International  Relations (IMEMO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences expressed a  similar opinion to ArmInfo.

"Against the background of unfulfilled expectations of Russia's  impending defeat in Ukraine, respectively, the defeat of the latter  in all possible directions in the future, the West, in parallel with  the hostilities in Ukraine itself, continues diplomatic work in other  adjacent regions.

And we see attempts to solve problems, including in the South  Caucasus. I see the intensification of talks about the 3+3 format as  a response to these attempts. Thus, Moscow demonstrates the  inviolability of its own geopolitical positions in the South  Caucasus," he said.

In other words, according to the orientalist, having problems with  the West, Russia, Turkey and Iran are cooperating with each other in  the same Middle East. And today they are striving to extend this  cooperation to the South Caucasus. Including with the aim of  counteracting the EU and the US attempts to activate in the region.  And there is a very certain consensus between the Russian Federation,  Turkey and Iran in the same definition of ways to solve regional  problems.  

"Of course, there are problems along this path. First of all, in the  form of cooperation between the countries of the region themselves:  Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan with the West. And taking into  account the fact that the goal of 3 + 3 is to eliminate this  cooperation, the Russian Federation, Turkey and Iran have a lot of  work to do, so much depends on these countries, for example, the same  Armenia will not actively seek contacts with the West if Turkey does  not put pressure on it. In this sense, the guarantee of strengthening  this format as a viable one largely depends on the ability of its  initiators to resolve issues in the region solely through diplomacy,"  Malashenko summed up. 

Edgar Tavakalian: