Categories: 2022

Armenia ambassador-at-large on Pashinyan-Erdogan phone talk: This is extremely important step

Armenia – July 12 2022

Edmon Marukyan, Ambassador-at-Large of Armenia and Chairman of the Bright Armenia Party, reflected on the telephonic conversation Monday between Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"The last time direct contact between the leaders of Armenia and Turkey took place about 10 years ago. And this is an extremely important step in the process of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations.

It is necessary to realize that continuously having closed borders and zero diplomatic relations with Turkey will not take us anywhere, especially considering as well the realities of the last war.

It is important that the dialogue continues and has its successful milestone in the form of [re]opening of borders and establishment of diplomatic relations [between Armenia and Turkey].

Armenia continues [its] proactive diplomacy," Marukyan wrote on Facebook.

Alex Jidarian: