Categories: 2022

Construction and earthwork on Mount Hatis prohibited by law, Armenia’s Geology Institute says

Public Radio of Armenia
Armenia – July 12 2022

Mount Hatis has been recognized as a geological monument under the name “Hatis Volcano,” meaning that construction and earthworks in the territory are prohibited by law, the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences said in a statement today.

It reminds that under Armenian legislation, permission, detailed engineering and geological research, seismic microdonation are needed for any construction on the site. Furthermore, a special seismic risk assessment is needed in case of large and important structures.

Plans for giant statute of Christ sparked controversy in Armenia. The statement comes after the groundbreaking ceremony for the Jesus Christ statue was held on the top of Hatis Mountain on July 9. Footage showed that earthwork and road construction projects have already been carried out.

The Geology Institute demands that results of the above-mentioned studies and the construction permit be published and made available for independent examination.

Garnik Zakarian: